Better type checking thanks to @let block

There are cases where checking the type of a variable in a template is necessary. The `@let` block from Angular 18 allows you to define a variable in a template and reuse it in many places. Thanks to that Type Narrowing finally works in Angular templates.

October 1, 2024 angular angular-18


@let block that allows you to define a variable in a template and reuse it in many places.

@let tasks = tasks$ | async;
@if(tasks === null) {
} @else if(tasks.length > 0) {
@for(let task of tasks) {
<li>{{ }}</li>
} @else {
<p>No tasks</p>

@let and Type Narrowing

The @let block can be used to narrow the type of a variable in a template. It is especially useful when you have a signals based application.

type ComponentState =
| { status: "LOADING" }
| { status: "LOADED"; data: string[] }
| { status: "ERROR"; error: string };
@Component({ ... })
export class AppComponent {
const state = signal({ name: "PRISTINE" });
@let state = state();
@if(state.status === "LOADING") {
} @else if(state.status === "LOADED") {
<!-- state has type `{ status: "LOADED"; data: string[] }` -->
@for(let task of {
<li>{{ task }}</li>
} @else {
<!-- state has type `{ status: "ERROR"; error: string }` -->
<p>{{ state.error }}</p>

To do the same with *ngIf, you would have to repeat the type check in each *ngIf block

@Component({ ... })
export class AppComponent {
state = signal({ name: "LOADING" });
isLoaded(state: ComponentState): { status: "LOADED"; data: string[] } | false {
return state.status === "LOADED" ? state : false;
<ng-container *ngIf="isLoaded(state()); as loadedState">
<!-- loadedState has type `{ status: "LOADED"; data: string[] }` -->
@for(let task of {
<li>{{ task }}</li>


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