Removing selected Gutenberg block from post content in WordPress

There are cases where you want to hide a Gutenberg block from readers. To do it you should add new filter for the_content.

Removing a custom block from content

add_filter('the_content', 'remove_to_do_from_content', 5);
function remove_to_do_from_content($content){
if (has_block('custom/todo') === false) {
return $content;
$parsed = parse_blocks($content);
foreach ($parsed as $index => $block) {
if ($block['blockName'] === 'custom/todo') {
return serialize_blocks($parsed);

Take a look at the third argument. Our filter has to be run before the build-in converter (Gutenberg -> HTML) so we have to set a priority to 5.

We do not have break after first found because we can have more than one todo block

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