Lazy loaded stepper base on a route in Angular

A stepper is a type of input control that allows the user to increment or decrement a numerical value using predefined steps. See how to create a stepper with lazy loaded steps in Angular.

May 6, 2023 angularangular-16

You can view the source code for this project by following this link: GitHub


Defining base schema

First of all, we need to define how our component should look. Because we want to lazy load steps individuals, we have to define router-outlet inside the stepper’s template. To define which header is connected to which path, we have to also provide a path name to the appStepLabel directive.

  <ng-template appStepLabel="user"> User form </ng-template>
  <ng-template appStepLabel="address"> Address form </ng-template>
  <ng-template appStepLabel="account"> Account form </ng-template>
  <ng-template appStepLabel="summary"> Summary </ng-template>


Routes configuration

After adding router-outlet it is time to define routes. We do it like any other route. There is nothing special.

const routes: Routes = [
    path: "user",
    loadChildren: () => import("./modules/process/user"),
    path: "address",
    loadChildren: () => import("./modules/process/address"),
  // more steps

Do not forget that you can also implement canActivate, canDeactivate or even outlet.

  path: 'user',
  loadChildren: () => import('./modules/process/user'),
  outlet: 'stepper',
  canActivate: [/* */],
  canDeactivate: [/* */],
  // more configuration

Creating StepLabelDirective

The directive has just to carry a template and information for which path it is. Whole logic will be placed in StepperComponent.

  selector: "[appStepLabel]",
export class StepLabelDirective {
  @Input({ required: true, alias: "appStepLabel" }) routerPath!: string;

  constructor(public templateRef: TemplateRef<void>) {}

Building StepperComponent


The template StepperComponent is very easy. It consists of two parts – displaying a header and content.

  <li *ngFor="let label of labels$ | async">
    <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="label"></ng-template>



The component has to get defined labels and display in the template.

  /* */
export class StepperComponent implements AfterContentInit {
  @ContentChildren(StepLabelDirective, { descendants: false })
  labelsQueryList!: QueryList<StepLabelDirective>;

  private contentInit$ = new ReplaySubject<void>(1);

  labels$ = this.contentInit$.pipe(
    switchMap(() => this.labelsQueryList.changes),
    startWith(void 0),
    map(() => this.labelsQueryList.toArray().map((el) => el.templateRef)),

  ngAfterContentInit(): void {

Label order is defined by the template. To change the order just reorder ng-template.

<!-- this label will be first -->
<ng-template appStepLabel="user"> User form </ng-template>

<!-- this label will be second -->
<ng-template appStepLabel="address"> Address form </ng-template>

<!-- etc -->
<ng-template appStepLabel="account"> Account form </ng-template>

Highlight active step

Because the current step is saved in a router, we have to get the current index based on the path. To do it we should take the path from the route config.

  /* */
export class StepperComponent implements AfterContentInit {
  /* ... */

  private activationStart$ =
    filter((event): event is ActivationEnd => event instanceof ActivationEnd),

  activeStepIndex$ = this.contentInit$.pipe(
    switchMap(() => this.activationStart$),
    map((event) => {
      const path = event.snapshot.routeConfig?.path;
      const labels = this.labelsQueryList.toArray();

      return labels.findIndex((label) => label.routerPath === path);
    filter((index) => index !== -1),
    map((index) => ({ index })),

  /* ... */

Thanks to defining the variable we can highlight current and fulfilled steps. All that we need now is to add classes to the element based on logic.

<ng-container *ngIf="activeStepIndex$ | async as activeStepIndex">
    *ngFor="let label of labels$ | async; let i = index"
    [class.done]="i < activeStepIndex.index"
    []="i === activeStepIndex.index"
    <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="label"></ng-template>

Because steps are defined as a route component, we go through stepper just like between normal pages.

<form id="addressForm">
  <!-- ... -->

<div class="navigation">
  <button type="button" routerLink="/user">Previous step</button>
  <button form="addressForm" type="submit" routerLink="/account">Next step</button>

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